Archive for December 16th, 2009

Goddess Card Dec. 16th

December 16, 2009

 Goddess Rhiannon – Sorceress – You are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality! Allow the light of the sun, moon and stars to stir ancient memories that may be dormant. Recall the time when you put your magic into use and reawaken it. Use your ancient powers for the good of us all.

Look deep within and find the light that has been there all along. Use the power that you have inside. We all have the ability to use and do magic. It come naturally to us all. We just need to remember. We all have the thread of life that run through us all. A connection that on so many levels makes us all one. Use this connection to raise the community consciousness to higher levels and watch our world change into a happier, calmer, and peaceful place. Bring back and use the magic now!
May the love of the Goddess be with you!!!!!!